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Instrument Calibration

We can calibrate all makes and models of process instrumentation on-site with minimum disruption.

Calibrating your instruments correctly will ensure your production is consistent, accurate and of the highest quality. Even the slightest variation can result in product loss, downtime or even product recall. Our experienced engineers are able to calibrate on-site with electrical and mechanical testing equipment.

Instruments we calibrate:

  • Instrument CalibrationTemperature Probes – RTD, Thermocouples, Chart recorders, Controllers
  • Pressure Sensors – Gauges, Transducers, Contents
  • Conductivity Probes
  • Flow Meters – Mechanical, Electronic
  • Lab Centrifuges

An overview of our methods is as follows:

All equipment used will have been calibrated by an external UKAS accredited source*. All work is carried out by skilled engineers in accordance with our ISO procedures. Certificates will be issued for all equipment.

Firstly, a full instrument schedule will be drawn up at the start of the agreement. This will be cross-referenced with a site audit to ensure that accurate information is available at all times. All certificates will be stored in an agreed location on site.

Secondly, tolerance for all items will be agreed upon with the site. Instruments will have passed calibration if they are within the stated tolerance. If instruments are found to be outside of the stated tolerance, an attempt to adjust them will be made. All adjustments will require the instrument to be retested and all adjustments will be recorded on the certificate.

Furthermore, if an instrument cannot be adjusted, a suitable replacement will be required. If a suitable instrument is available from our stock, or from site stores, this will be fitted and fully checked against our master equipment. A certificate will then be issued.

Testing methods are as below. However, we carry out physical calibration of all items wherever possible, rather than relying on electrical methods.

Testing Methods

Temperature calibration: calibrated dry block or oil bath heat source and calibrated reference probe, each plant probe is tested at a minimum of 3 temperatures, unless otherwise specified

Conductivity calibration: calibrated meter and tested at three points across working range using solutions working to a tolerance of +- 2% of full range unless otherwise specified

Pressure calibration: calibrated gauge, each gauge is tested at 3 points across range of gauge – tolerance of 0.1 bar for gauges below 10 bar and 2% of full range for homogeniser gauges, unless otherwise specified

Flowmeter: calibrated ultrasonic flowmeter – this is clamped onto pipework when plant is in production or CIP – tolerance of +- 2% of full range, we can carry out a physical calibration using our flowrig but this would mean removing the flowmeter from the line and placing it in-line with our flowmeter – this would require each line to be out of action. The tolerance on physical flowmeter calibration would be 0.5%

Lab Centrifuge: calibrated tachometer – lid mechanism is disabled and centrifuge run at normal operating speed, test carried out 3 times to a tolerance of +- 1% of full range

* Where UKAS certification is available for that equipment, there is no current UKAS lab available for conductivity calibration, so we use UKAS certified solutions to calibrate the hand held equipment.

We provide a complete portfolio of testing capabilities.